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update: 2:52am 9/1/24

i am thugging this out on a cup of coffee i made(aka almost pure black save for some condensed milk), car seat headrest and tv girl

i am not gonna finish this tonight tho so im continuing this tom if i get another cup of coffee. consider this technically my first website update

let it be known that idk if i have mental illinois but i did just sit down in front of a screen no breaks for 5 straight hours trying to recall all my 9th grade knowledge on compsci html

speaking of this is purely bc i need an outlet that keeps me (slightly) sane bc if all my energy goes to doing school shit i think i might genuinely consider running into the forest

also bc i according to my peers "need to be on socmeds more". even though i already have a priv twitter(i need twitter to die faster) and im not willing to get into any more social media bc if i have to download insta and tiktok to be trendy i will become a fish. therefore this website is a compromise

also if any irls find this please im normal i swear